Bauer Magazine Analysis

The mid shot of Dame Quentin Bryce takes up the majority of the magazine cover. The readers eye line is directed towards her, inviting the reader in and making them want to buy the magazine. Her smile is also inviting and friendly which shows her personality and people might want to read about her because of this. She is also a well known public figure in Australia and mature readers might want to buy the magazine because of this. However, she is someone to be looked up to by a younger audience to people might buy the magazine for their younger friends in he 16-25 range. She is also covering some of the masthead which shows that the magazine is well known and doesn't need its whole name shown. It also gives the magazine a more 3D look which makes it more personal. The tag line after Bryce's name also draws the reader in as they want to know about "the story I had to tell." Because the lighting is very high key and bright and the magazine is an Australian magazine, this reflects the lifestyle and will make Australian women want to buy it. It's also a rural themed edition and the colour scheme reflects this. 

Grazia is a well known fashion magazine in the UK. It contains both cat walk and high street fashion which is suitable for a AB 16-25 women readership. It also contains gossip stories to draw readers in and make them want to buy the magazine. They use a close up shot of Gigi Hadid to make the readers want to buy the magazine because the readership may like Hadid and want to be like her and have her lifestyle. The picture used isn't from a photoshoot but has been taken of Hadid at an event. This adds to the gossip magazine feel but it also gives it a big street fashion look. The colours used for text on the cover aren't very fitting, the yellow doesn't feel warm and inviting but more like a warning. 

The magazine cover for Closer feels very crowded and not high end at all. It is a gossip magazine that has stories on celebrities and the public. The colours used for the cover are very bright and eye catching which can be eye catching for someone wanting to buy magazines. The titles of the stories on the cover are also easy to be drawn in to because they seem interesting. They also tend to use bad photos of celebrities they want to bring down and good photos of celebrities they like. They try to persuade the public to think they're bad people because of the bad pictures. They use a an "exclusive" sticker above a sort headline to make the reader feel like they're the only person who is getting this information. It also makes the reader feel like they're the only magazine that has that story. 


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